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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Show a Little Bit of Love and Appreciation

Customer service is not quite what it used to be. This statement does not intend to force the blame on only those working in the service industry. I also understand that as customers, we're making it even more difficult to be satisfied.

With one slight mishap, a customer can easily take to social media to voice their disapproval. This can deter future and current customers from returning to this business. This post also has the potential to reach dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of other consumers.

Terrifying, huh? 

In this circumstance, I want to do the opposite. Why are we so quick to blame when something goes wrong? But less likely to give praise where it is due? I wanted to take to social media and applaud a company that has truly excelled in customer service since day one for me.

Birdsong Brewery

Located on N. Davidson Street is one of my favorite places in Charlotte. If a friend ever asks for a recommendation for good beer, fun times, and a great atmosphere, I'm willing to bet that Birdsong would be the first word out of my mouth.

Their beer is arguably one of the best in Charlotte. Free Will and Higher Ground are my two go-to's when out for dinner or drinks at a bar. You just can't beat 'em.

Besides all of the obvious things that I enjoy about this place--beer, friends, food trucks, + atmosphere--the bartenders and their service are two things that keeps me coming back.

I have never had a less than 100% trip to Birdsong... and I go there quite often.

This past weekend during the snow invasion of the south (we ended up getting 1 to 2 inches for those of you who are wondering...), we decided to stop by Birdsong and have a few beers since it's within walking distance.

We sat at the bar and had a few beers. After heading straight to "Saucy Town," I started bombarding the bartenders with weird questions: "Who names your beers?" "Where do the names come from?" "Can I try this beer?" "Can I try that beer?" Being a typical girl with a buzz.

He was patient and very conversational, which is fantastic for a drunk girl who is looking to talk your ear off.

I then realized, he does this every day. He is patient and kind with all those who walk into Birdsong. It's an exceptional talent to possess.

The best part of this encounter came a little bit later. Recently, Birdsong hosted their Fifth Anniversary Celebration Party. Of course, we were in attendance. They had these AMAZING pint glasses with gold embellishments about their anniversary and clever musical notes to emphasize "Birdsong." Accidentally leaving behind our glasses we had purchased that evening, I was pretty bummed.

So during my question fiasco, I asked our lovely bartender how many of those glasses ended up getting left behind. He chuckled and replied with a simple "a lot."

I noted that we were two of those people who accidentally left it behind. Without another word, he walked to the corner of the bar. He disappeared out of sight but then quickly returned with two brand new anniversary glasses, wrapped and bagged.

He dropped them off at the bar and simply said "I thought you guys looked pretty familiar."

I was absolutely blown away. Such a small gesture ensured that I would be a regular for life.

I encourage you all to check out Birdsong Brewery during your next outing in Charlotte. Ironically enough, this post is coming to you live on Thursday, December 12th, the same day as their iconic Honey Pie Double IPA release.

Even if you're not a huge beer fan or you're not from Charlotte, I also encourage you to go write a review for one of your favorite places. If you have a "go to" or a place that always shows you tender love and care, SUPPORT THEM! I've noticed that some of my favorite places often have poor ratings and reviews because only angry people take the time out of their day to write.

Go post, go review, go show some love for local establishments! Always shop local and always let someone know when they truly made your experience what it was.

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